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Orrin Woodward LIFE Leadership
Thursday, August 8, 2013
The Leadership Difference

George Guzzardo shares leadership truths in this article below. Orrin Woodward and George Guzzardo have been business partners for over 20 years now and business is good with LIFE Leadership. Indeed, Orrin and George both love reading books and leading people; thus, they make a great team

Anyone looking at our world today sees a glaring lack of leadership. Life Leadership has developed an array of information designed to fill the leadership void seen in these times. Leadership qualities once developed will make a difference in our businesses, schools, communities, country, and the world. No one is excluded from leadership. Anyone can develop these qualities and the rewards are far beyond words. The internal satisfaction from growing leadership qualities is difficult to describe but the external effects are endless in the way leaders influence their world.

CHARACTER: I love leadership because it forces a person to come to grips with their own character development. A leader takes responsibility for their own status quo and challenges themselves to change and grow.  A leader develops the character to confront when they see a need. Our communities can simply use more leaders. Leaders throughout history have always demonstrated the passion to right what they see is wrong. A leader becomes tired of those who make excuses or blame someone else. The lack of character we see almost every day in politics or business does not have to be the norm.

RESPONSIBILTY: Responsibility is key to leadership. Who is responsible? . Almost 50 % of the marriages fail for a lack of taking responsibility for one’s own performance.

According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:

  • The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
  • The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
  • The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

Take finance for example. When you give a child an allowance, they are responsible for what they are given. When a business has a profit / loss sheet the owners are responsible for it. When the government is given a budget, they are responsible for it. What if the criteria for a bigger allowance, profit / loss, or budget was the stipulation that those who are responsible must learn to manage what was given first before they received more? In other words performance must be measured and in order to achieve a competent performance, a leader must have the character to accept responsibility. No passing the buck if you are a leader.

PERFORMANCE: I love leadership because a leader performs. You would not trust or follow a leader if this were not the case. A leader also resists the temptation of complacency. Far too many times a leader achieves success in an area only to level out and become average because they become amazed with their credentials. Think again if you fear the weight of leadership as being too heavy to achieve a high level of personal performance. Any time you stretch your performance beyond your perceived limits, you leave the comfort zone. Performance is how a leader grows.  Leaders are constantly finding ways to grow. This forces a leader to leave their comfort zone, which is a previous accepted norm of activity. When a leader develops the character to accept responsibility they move into performance mode.

SCOREBOARD: Best selling author Orrin Woodward describes the scoreboard in his best seller Resolved 13 Resolutions. Leaders love the scoreboard. A leader looks at the scoreboard as a reality check. If the scoreboard measures the results of performance then a leader faces the facts. When a leader recognizes a relationship is going bad they learn conflict resolution. You can plan to have a better relationship and measure it.  When finances are going bad the scoreboard gives a base line to move forward from. A leader is always measuring performance against the scoreboard. A leader learns and grows from what engineer’s call “failure mode analysis,” A leader will adjust their performance and make things right. When a leader makes a mistake they use it as a teachable moment. Confronting the brutal reality builds trust with the leaders constituents. A leader of character takes on the responsibility to perform and then uses the scoreboard to sharpen other qualities.

LEARNING: When we make the commitment to become responsible for our own actions it puts us in learning mode. In their best selling book Launching a Leadership Revolution, the authors state, “Level 1 leadership is being a student.” A student makes a habit of being in learning mode. A leader is always looking to solve a problem. They know that learning provides solutions. When one begins the process of discovery, they learn to think independently. They begin to see the world in a different light.

By Greg Toppo, USA TODAY

A long-awaited federal study finds that an estimated 32 million adults in the USA — about one in seven — are saddled with such low literacy skills that it would be tough for them to read anything more challenging than a children's picture book or to understand a medication's side effects listed on a pill bottle

We see a soaring illiteracy rate in our society, which correlates to a lack of leadership, ability to think independently, and take responsibility for problem solving. Literacy has always been an enemy to socialism and a proponent of freedom. It gives the individual the means to seek knowledge independently. The first step to taking responsibility is being able to think independently and we can’t think independently if we don’t learn. If we don’t think independently someone else will do the thinking for us. There is a direct correlation to needing big government to take care of us, and our ability to think independently. Out of 117 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution, one in four went to college, they were educated by parents, church schools, tutors, academies, apprenticeship, and themselves.

Next time you think that leadership isn’t for you remember what Harry Truman said, “The buck stops here.” Don’t underestimate the importance of developing these leadership qualities. The leader knows the end result is making a difference in their lives, the community, and the country, and ultimately the influence we need in the world today. Isn’t it time to develop these qualities of leadership so we can make the difference we so sorely need?  God Bless, George Guzzardo


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 8:05 AM EDT
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Friday, August 2, 2013
Tim Marks: Starting Conversations

Tim Marks new book is one of the most talked about new releases in LIFE Leadership. There are so many examples of wisdom and encouragement that Orrin Woodward said it was one of his favorite reads of the year. Even if you hate to read, this book is worth reading. Here is another segment from Tim in his book. 

Hey gang!  Here is another excerpt from my new book, Confidence of a Champion, released through LIFE Leadership.  One of the most powerful tools in your success journey is the ability to connect with people and strike up a conversation successfully.  Here, I share 8 rapid-fire tips to make that happen!

God Bless, Tim


With the goal of helping you kick-start your progress towards meeting new people and creating new and amazing relationships, here are some tactics you can apply today to take action and get the ball rolling:

  1. Think “I Like You” in Your Head First.    People can tell if you have warmed up to them and if you are feeling friendly towards them.  If  you are arrogant or stuck up, good luck on making new friends.  Who would want to be around you?!  And, who would want to stare up your nose at you while you are staring down your nose at them?  (Especially if you haven’t trimmed the old nose hairs lately and you need a hedge trimmer to clear out the forest growing in there!)  So, when you look at people, literally think the words to yourself, “I like you”.  Your whole spirit towards this person will change, particularly if we are Christians and see the other person as God’s creation and want to bring a little joy into their day.  (If the other person is     grumpy, all the more reason. Remember, hurting people hurt people.)
  1. Believe the Other Person Will Like YOU!  Les Giblin talks about this in his great book, How to Have Power and Confidence in Dealing with People.  Assume they are warm and friendly and will respond in a positive way.  So much of success is  expectation!  If you expect the conversation will go well, you’re halfway there.  Will people always respond positively?  Nope.  But you sure can tip the scales in your favor by having an expectant mindset. If you’ve faced a cold shoulder before, don’t let a couple of bad  experiences shape your whole view of meeting new friends!
  1. Be Cool.   Don’t come across as too anxious, over-eager or desperate, or you will make them feel uncomfortable.  (It helps if you aren’t actually feeling anxious or desperate to begin with.)  If you’re eying someone like a piece of meat or a meal ticket, they’ll immediately sense that you have an ulterior motive and it will get weird really fast.  Don’t come on too strong or too fast.  Take it slow and easy.  If you’re overeager, you’ll scare them away.  A good way of visualizing this is to imagine feeding pigeons in the park.  Pigeons want bread crumbs.  However, if you run into the park      waiving your arms and screaming, those pigeons will fly away in fear, even if they were starving!  If we play it cool and take a sincere interest in others, we’ll have greater success in attracting them.
  1. Take a Chance!       A great leader in our business community really pioneered this hrase a while ago.  Take a chance!  All of life involves a little risk, and that includes making new friends.  The great thing about chances is that  they can pay off huge rewards!  Take  a chance on the stranger next to you.  Make the first move.  Be bold.  Have a backbone.  Stand tall.  Pursue victory.  Refuse to give in to fear!  Resolve to be a person of courage and character.  Take control of the fearful little voice that is whimpering inside you, making excuses why you shouldn’t try to say hi.  Squish that voice like a bug under your heel and take a chance!
  1. Play “Smiling Chicken”.  It takes some effort just to make eye contact and smile, and then say “Hi!”  When I first started doing this I thought my face would crack! It’s not normal for a choleric (a personality type which is hard driving and dominant ) or for an engineer to smile and “be nice”, and I still need to work at it today.  In fact, to practice this I used to literally drive down the road and “smile talk” to myself in my rear-view mirror before speaking engagements.  (It might sound crazy, but it looks even worse, particularly to passerby!)  Although these might sound like pretty simple steps, it can feel overwhelming.  Just look right at their face and let your face break into a big friendly smile.  Smiling breaks the ice and opens the door to getting them to say “hi” back at you!  Smiling tells people you are friendly, positive, and you are approachable, and these are all attractive  qualities.  If you are not used to doing this, you might want to try a fun game called “Smiling Chicken!”  You’ve all heard of the game “Chicken”.  With that game, you are driving your car towards your competitor at full-speed, and whoever  flinches first and turns the car off of the road is declared the “loser”.  (This is obviously a terribly dangerous     game that I absolutely do not condone; I’m simply offering an     illustration.) Now, here is “Smiling Chicken” game.  The game goes like this: as you are approaching a stranger, your goal is to catch their eye, break out in a smile, and inspire them to smile back at you!    Try doing this to ten strangers and see how many people you can get to smile… it can become a lot of fun!


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 8:24 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, August 2, 2013 8:32 AM EDT
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Monday, July 29, 2013
Building Momentum

Tim Marks' new book Confidence of a Champion is making waves across North America. Tim's encouraging manner and writing style have led to two bestsellling books in just a couple of years. Indeed, Tim has become one of Orrin Woodward's goto guys in his quest for one million people in LIFE Leadership. Tim is a leader who has built a team of thousands of people to success. Tim shares his thoughts on momentum from his new book below. 

You’ve had days in your life when everything seemed to be going your way.  All the traffic lights turned to green.  You closed every sales call you made.  Every crucial confrontation was resolved in a way that strengthened the relationship.  Every step had a bounce in it.  Your spirit felt lighter, food tasted better, the sun was shining, and you were on fire for life.

When we are feeling good, we become people magnets.  Opportunity comes out of the woodwork.  People want to work with us.  If we are a coach or leader of some sort, our team responds to our guidance.  Things are clicking.  We just feel like we are on a roll.  It’s such a simple concept, but so often ignored: when you’ve had a victory, use that positive feeling to your advantage.  Take action right away, push the gas pedal down even further and create even greater results.

One teacher used the power of momentum to transform his students’ belief in themselves and ultimately their results.  In 1974, a Bolivian-born mathematics teacher named Jaime Escalante took a job at Garfield High School in East Los Angeles, an area more commonly known for producing gang members than math whizzes.  However, Escalante was not your average math teacher.  He had a ferocious love of the subject and of inspiring young minds.  He also had a rock-solid belief that these kids were smarter than they, their parents, or even the school administration thought they were.  Most people had written them off simply because they lived on the wrong side of the tracks.  Escalante knew better.

One of the first things Escalante did was raise the bar of excellence for his students.  He would demand they answer a math question just to be allowed into the classroom.  He made them do a test at the beginning of each day.  And he didn’t just offer basic math; he offered advanced placement calculus.  You can only imagine the reaction these C, D, and F students had toward this, let alone the status-quo principal of the school.  But Escalante started talking to the students about getting jobs in engineering and science.  He began to cast a vision that they would make it into university, that they could be at the top of their class, and they could change the entire direction of their lives.  He started to breathe belief into them that they could do something extraordinary.

After a few years of teaching, he laid down a challenge: the school would have students take the highly difficult Advancement Placement Calculus exam.  This was a very difficult exam, and no one wanted any part of it.  But this man was on a mission to change the culture of his school and to make a breakthrough for his students; he knew that he just needed a small victory to get the ball rolling.  If he could show the students that some of their peers were capable to taking the AP Calculus test and passing, he knew the other students would begin to believe in themselves a little more.

And so, Escalante rigorously pursued that first victory.  In 1978, he convinced five students out of 3,000 to take the test.  Two of them passed.  This was the first small victory that Escalante could leverage.  Building on that victory, he won over the minds of a few more students the next year.  In 1979, he convinced nine students to work with him and take the test; seven of them passed.  Word of his students growing success began to spread through the school.  Kids who thought they never stood a chance started to believe that if their friends could do it, maybe they could as well.  In 1981, Escalante attracted fifteen students, and fourteen passed the AP Calculus test.  The ember of belief had been nurtured into a small flame under Escalante’s guiding care.

In 1982, eighteen students passed the test.  In 1983, his class size doubled overnight, as did student success: thirty-three students took the AP Calculus test and thirty of them passed.  And by 1987, seventy-three students passed the test.  Escalante wasn’t just inspiring the students at Garfield; he was inspiring the entire country.  Everyone wanted to know what this guy was doing.  A book about his remarkable achievement was released, titled Escalante: The Best Teacher in America.  This inspired the 1988 movie Stand and Deliver, starring Edward James Olmos as Escalante.  Not surprisingly, having a Hollywood movie made about your high school math teacher is not a normal occurrence for most students, and only added further fuel to the fire.  By 1991, the momentum Escalante had created attracted 570 students to take the advanced math placement exams.

What was Escalante’s secret?  Momentum!  Lowell Thomas said, “Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can.  By pushing yourself a little farther, by stretching for that “impossible” goal and attaining it, you can create a tiny victory.  Each victory builds our belief and confidence that we can reach greater heights.  Never squander a victory; use the confidence it produces to take further action and build momentum, just as Escalante did with his remarkable students.


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 10:52 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, July 29, 2013 10:55 AM EDT
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Saturday, July 27, 2013
Leaders Speak

George Guzzardo conveys why leaders have been speakers throughout history. LIFE Leadership builds leaders, speakers, and authors through a systematic process of learning. Thousands have benefited from the program and, knowing Orrin Woodward, millions will soon be reached. Here is George's article. 


Part of being a leader is conveying a vision with passion that connects with the audience. Over the last one hundred years less emphasis was placed on the importance of rhetoric in our school systems. In fact many people may not even understand the word rhetoric because of the loss of importance placed on it. Rhetoric is the ability to use language effectively. It was valued by past civilizations. They placed great emphasis on speech. This is a key component to leadership. That is why LIFE Leadership is committed to providing products that compliment a leaders presence, projection, and passion. You will find, however, that the element of a great speaker is more than good grammar and appearance. When you examine the great leaders of history you will find that they inspired their constituents.  They were great connectors and they had a message that they were passionate about. They had something important that was heavy on their hearts. They were passionate that their message would have an impact on not only those in the audience but on the times in which they lived. Great speakers are not necessarily loud, fire and brimstone speakers. Some were actually quite and calm and were difficult to hear. But, they had a message that connected to the hearts of those in the audience. When people heard their message it went from their heads to their hearts.

Cicero, Edwards, Whitefield, Henry, Spurgeon, Churchill, and King to name a few all had something in common. They had a message they were passionate about that was critical to their times. Their message is still just as critical to our times now.

Marcus Tullius Cicero spoke about the fall of the republic from the corruption in government. As the Roman Republic was in decline, Cicero examined the causes of private and public confusion. “Long before our time, the customs of our ancestors molded admirable men, and in turn those eminent men upheld the ways and institutions of their forebears. Our age, however inherited the republic as if it were some beautiful painting of bygone ages, its colors fading through great antiquity; and not only has our time neglected to freshen the colors of the picture, but we have failed to preserve its form and outlines.”

Jonathon Edwards and George Whitefield awoke the people from their slumber to the importance of values and virtues. John Pollock wrote about the observation of “a prominent New Yorker who went to see Whitefield speak to a crowd of all denomination, Dutch and English; some Jews…Whitefield took his stand on a little hill, a natural pulpit. No notes, yet the discourse flowed logically and reasonably with a delightful simplicity: no long words, his delivery the product of art. Whitefield spoke directly to the crowd, his voice having a strange ability to sound as if he stood beside them, and they quieted.” They heard, “We are unprofitable servants, we have done not near so much as it was our duty to do.” “What have you been doing?”

Patrick Henry was passionate about holding on to the principles that are necessary for freedom. Jefferson once said, “I never heard anything like it. He had more command over the passions than any man I ever knew.” John Adams wrote that Henry was a man “of deep reflections, keen sagacity, clear foresight, daring enterprise, inflexible intrepidity, and untainted integrity, with an ardent zeal for the liberties, the honor, and felicity of his country and his speeches,” and his contributions to the Patriot cause would never be forgotten.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon convicted his audience about the necessities of timeless principles and the price that would be paid if the foundations collapsed. “There is a more dangerous spirit now abroad, entering into Nonconformist pulpits, and notably preventing the testimony of some…by those who reckon themselves to be men of culture and intellect…Their theology is fickle as the wind. Landmarks are laughed at, and fixed teaching is despised, “Progress” is the watchword, and we hear it repeated ad nauseum…It is progress from the truth, which being interpreted, is progressing backwards.”

Winston S. Churchill is best known for ability to communicate to his people what it would take to win the war of freedom. His speeches literally turned his country around.  In 1897 he said, “Of all the talents bestowed upon men, none is so precious as the gift of oratory…Abandoned by his party, betrayed by his friends, stripped of his office, whoever can command this power is still formidable.” He was also a staunch believer in the value of learning leadership from the study of history. “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.”  “Think what your actions now will mean, years hence, when you remember them again. What kind of person will you wish you had been, what kind of sacrifices will you wish you had made, when you or those who survive you look back upon this from the future.”

Martin Luther King was a man whose passion to pursue a dream led to the fulfillment of breaking the shackles of oppression and opened the door to freedom more than any recent leader. In 1968 he said, “Non violent resistance does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent but to win his friendship and understanding.” He knew the passionate pursuit of our dreams was the measure that would lead to confronting our fears. “First we must unflinchingly face our fears and honestly ask ourselves why we are afraid. The confrontation will, to some measure, grant us power. We shall never be cured of fear by escapism or repression, for the more we attempt to ignore and repress our fears, the more we multiply our inner conflicts.” 

Best selling authors Orrin Woodward and Oliver DeMille write about the need for leaders to step up in their new best seller ‘Leadershift’.  “You can try to fit in and to impress, or you can lead.” “In contrast, think of Lincoln, Churchill, and Ghandi – these are men who made the hard choice. They rejected trying to impress and instead they led.” Are we hearing the messages from those leaders from the past?  When you read you will hear those speakers, their passion, and their messages. They are singing in unison to us today. They are calling us out with the hopes that we will heed their warnings, “Will we lead?” God Bless, George Guzzardo


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 9:50 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, July 27, 2013 9:52 AM EDT
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Friday, July 19, 2013
Claude Hamilton's New Book Toughen Up

Claude Hamilton is set to release his first book Toughen Up through LIFE Leadership. Evidently, Orrin Woodward highly anticipates its release. Below is an article Orrin recently wrote on Claude's new book. This is Claude's first book so everyone is excited to read more about his success journey.

I have attached my foreword to Claude Hamilton’s first book Toughen Up. I am so pumped for everyone to read and experience what a tough life, lived with honor, can accomplish. The book will be released in another month so look for it on the LIFE Leadership site. God Bless, Orrin Woodward

Claude Hamilton

Claude Hamilton

Claude Hamilton’s life ought to be written about in every North American newspaper and magazine. Not because of his amazing results in life, although they are mighty impressive, but more because of the nearly insurmountable struggles he had to overcome in order to achieve this success. Nothing has come easy for Claude and Lana Hamilton. Indeed, that is why I love the title of his new book Toughen Up, since that is exactly what the Hamilton’s did to win in the game of life.

Since age 12, when he joined the Royal Navy Sea Cadets, Claude has reached the top pinnacles of leadership in every field he has entered. The reason for his consistent success is described in detail in the book the reader is holding in his hands. The Eight Strengths will guide, challenge, and inspire anyone seeking the principles for longterm success. Moreover, the chapters are so engaging, that I finished the book still wanting more. How Claude taught so many lessons in so few words is beyond me.

The teaching, however, this is just the tip of the iceberg in this book. Claude’s personal stories anchor each of the Eight Strengths, helping the reader view the principles in action. If success is measured by how far a person climbs from where he started, then Claude Hamilton is one of the most successful people I have ever met. With so many around him making poor choices and living lives of quiet desperation, Claude’s set himself apart through the consistent application of his Eight Strengths.

On a personal note, I consider it an honor to have a front row seat in Claude’s life for the last seven years. During this time, I have watched him apply each of these principles in his life and business, choosing principles over short-term profits whenever the conflicted. His friendship, encouragement, and attitude have been a huge blessing to me. In the many hours of life and leadership discussions with Claude, I had heard many of his stories and all the core principles before. Nonetheless, reading them in this book while visualizing the joys, pains, and fears Claude must have felt in the moment moved me.

Accordingly, I warn you in advance that Toughen Up is a roller coaster ride of emotions as the reader empathizes with the Claude’s dreams, struggles and eventual victory. It’s a book that readers will turn back to again and again for information and inspiration on the success journey. Thank You Claude Hamilton for having the physical, mental, and spiritual toughness to “finish what you started.” Because Claude finished, others will be inspired to begin.

Orrin Woodward
Chairman of the Board LIFE Leadership
NY Times Bestselling Author of Launching a Leadership Revolution and LeaderShift


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 7:24 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, July 19, 2013 7:27 AM EDT
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Monday, July 15, 2013
Parenting by Dan Hawkins

Dan Hawkins shares a wonderful message on fatherhood and leadership in the post below. Dan has become one of Orrin Woodward's best leadership students and is leading thousands of people in his LIFE Leadership community. He is only in his mid-30s and the future is bright. 

I have been so blessed to have three beautiful daughters and have twin girls on the way! I truly believe being a father is a calling, a responsibility. One of my missions is to travel the world and reach fathers to help them understand how important they are to their kids. The statistics are stagering on how the lack of the presence of the father affects the lives of children.

I challenge you, father to father, step up and make a difference in a child’s life today!

Here is a short video from a talk I gave to a group of men at a LIFE business event. Our kids need us to be present and active in all areas of their lives. What better place to invest your time then into your kids who will be your living legacy for generations to come. How will you be remembered, what stories can your kids share about your involvement in their lives?

God bless,

Dan Hawkins


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 11:33 AM EDT
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Friday, July 12, 2013
Bill Lewis: Serving Others

Bill Lewis recently posted on Kouzes & Posner book Credibility. Bill, according to Orrin Woodward, founder of LIFE Leadership, is one of the best teachers of leadership fundamentals period. The post below is a good example of Bill's teaching ability. 

Story from the book “Credibility”

Once there was a village in Nigeria where the people made their living by farming.  The village lay in a large green valley that was lined with palm trees and bushes.  Surrounding the village were fields with crops of yams, corn and other vegetables.  Just beyond the fields was a deep river that the villagers called “Baba.”  In the rainy season, the river  overflowed and the people were fearful of its power.  So, at a place were the river wound beyond the fields, they built a strong dam to hold back the water.

There was a man in the village named Modupe, which means “I am grateful.”  Modupe was a shy, quiet man whose wife had died and whose children were all married, so he moved to the top of the mountain overlooking the valley and lived alone.  There he built a small hut and cleared a small piece of land to grow his vegetables.  The people rarely saw Modupe but they respected and loved him.

One year at harvest time, the rains were unusually heavy, but the crops had done well and there was much to do, so no one paid it any mind.  As Modupe stood by his house on the mountain, he noticed that the river, swollen from the rains, was straining the dam.  He knew that by the time he could run down to the village to warn the people of the flood, it would be too late and all would be lost.  Even as Modupe watched, the wall of the dam begun to break and water started to seep through.

Modupe thought of his friends in the village.  Their crops, their homes, and their very lives were in danger if he did not find a way to warn them.  Then an idea came to him: he rushed to his small hut and set it afire.  When the people of the valley saw Modupe’s house burning they said, “Our friend is in trouble.  Let’s sound the alarm and go up to help him.” Then, according to custom, men, women, and children ran up the mountain to see what they could do.  When the reached the top of the hill, they did not have time to ask what had happened – a loud crashing noise behind them made them turn and look down.  Their houses, their temple, and their crops were being destroyed by the river, which had broken the dam and was flooding the valley.

The people began to cry and moan at their loss, but Modupe comforted them.  ”Don’t worry,” he said “My crops are still here.  We can share them while we build a new village.”  Then all the people began to sing and give thanks because they remembered that, in coming to help a friend, they saved themselves.

Not sure if the story is true or not but what a great example of serving your neighbor.  There are many lessons we can take from this example but I would like to focus on two:  helping friends in trouble and a culture of serving.

When Modupe saw that his friends were in trouble he didn’t think, “Man, that’s too bad, I hope they figure out something, I wish there was something I could do, what if I burn my house and they don’t come up to help?   He immediately thought I have to help my friends and then he thought of a plan.  In life we see so many people who just turn a blind eye.  We could do something or we have information that could help but we don’t.  We are afraid of what that person might think.  We are afraid of what other people will think.  We are afraid of sacrificing something of our own.   Ninety nine percent of the negative things we think could happen, usually never do.  What usually does happen is we end up making a big impact in someones life.  If you see someone that you think you can help, be the good Samaritan.

The second lesson was they had a culture of serving each other.  Modupe wasn’t worried that burning his own house wouldn’t work because Modupe’s community had a culture of serving each other.  He knew they would come to help him and by helping him they ended up helping themselves.  There is an old statement that says, “If you help enough people get what they want you will always get what you want.”  If your organization has a culture of serving the customer, you cannot lose.  Even though you may not see the return, in the immediate, you will always see it in the long term.  Set your goals around how many people you need to serve to accomplish your goal.  Doing this accomplishes two great things.  You get to your goal but more importantly you model the serving attitude.  The compounding affect of a serving organization creates amazing results.

Are you serving your God, wife, kids, business partners?  If so are you serving them the way they want to be served or the way you like to be served?  What ways can you improve your service to your team? Can you be more patient, understanding, goal focused, give time, explain thought process, help overcome obstacles, give ideas or just listen.  Whatever it is, if you model the behavior I can guarantee that others will follow your lead.

Bill Lewis


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 9:03 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, July 12, 2013 9:05 AM EDT
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Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Liberty: Then and Now

George Guzzardo has become a scholar of American/English history. His insights and leadership contributions have helped LIFE Leadership become one of the fastest growing leadership companies in North America. Indeed, George has been a business associate of Orrin Woodward's for over 20 years. Here is George's thoughts on liberty.

A lot has changed with liberty since celebrating our first 4th of July in 1776.  The first settlers, leaders like John Smith in Jamestown and William Bradford thirteen years later in Plymouth came to the new world looking for freedom. They started laying down the roots of liberty. Are our roots today the same roots that were laid down in the new world?  How healthy are our roots today?  Those leaving everything behind for the opportunity to be free had only one chance of laying down roots in the new world.  They wanted to do it right.  Those roots still need care today to preserve the principles of freedom. LIFE Leadership thinks we have not only an opportunity to teach the principles of freedom back into our country but we have a duty. It’s our leadership that will be the necessary element to keep our freedom and liberty into the next century.

One hundred years after the original settlements were established, the colonists learned the principles of free enterprise while they worked the new lands. They were a God fearing people with established morals. The foundation of unwavering principles built the character that fashioned the nation that we read about. During the seventeenth – century the colonists learned from reading about past leaders who championed the notion that the natural rights we possessed were endowed by our creator. They learned from reading John Milton, Algernon Sydney, and John Locke. Cato’s letters were also widely read throughout the colonies. The colonists had the mind set that Liberty was synonymous with a republican form of government. From history they knew that the word ‘Libertas’, denoted the status of a ‘Liber’ or a free man. The population was educated with the classics that made them familiar with the writings of Livy or Tacitus.

Edmund Fairfield, President of Hillsdale College wrote on July 4th 1853, “The history of liberty is the history of intelligence.” This collective intelligence in the colonies led to the Great Awakening. Foundational principles of liberty were brought into existence by the likes of George Whitfield and Jonathon Edwards during the mid 1700’s.  The principles they held had long – term effects toward the founding of a nation. Jonathon Edwards who in 1742 said, “We are now engaged in a more important war.” The emphasis was on how morality and virtue led to character development. This in turn led to a stronger family life and therefore stronger marriages. Children were cultivated with a sense of right and wrong. This education led to the citizen’s who learned leadership principles to govern themselves. These social virtues ascended at the time and created a political awakening.

As time went on, Britain became deep in debt from the Seven Years War with France. King George needed to fund this war effort and found an untapped source in the American colonies. King George III and the Parliament decided to tax America. But, because of the knowledge of freedoms and liberty that came from a well educated society, there was resistance from the people. Taxation was viewed as a way of taking away liberty when it was done without representation.  In those days the population stayed current with a system of pamphlets. This was when the people first became aware of the impending loss of liberty. Boston was especially hostile to government officials and formed a group called the ‘Sons of Liberty’ who became resistant to taxation. They were not disloyal but wanted to defend their freedom. Conflict erupted between the ‘Sons of Liberty’ and British soldiers when soldiers fired on a mob in what became known as the Boston Massacre. In the spring of 1775 the resistance exploded into an armed rebellion at Lexington and Concord. The Revolution had begun. When the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4th 1776, this marked an end to British rule over the American Colonies. Leaders around the colonies rose up, ready to risk their lively hood or even their lives to preserve their God given liberty. One summary describing the leadership of George Washington was written, “in nothing transcendent he became a moral rallying point, the embodiment of the purpose, passion and determination necessary for the triumph of the revolutionary cause.”

How far have we gone to get to the point where that nation is hardly recognizable today? Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in his ‘Reflections’, “My only aim was to protect ancient laws of society against innovators.” How far have we gone from the foundation of our roots?  Russell Kirk wrote, “A man without principles is an unprincipled man. A nation without principles is an uncivilized nation.” With a loss of a principled centered people come the national trends that we now see:


  • Teen pregnancy rates for girls 10 – 14 has increased 460% *
  • Sexual activity among fifteen year – olds skyrocketing. *
  • The percentage of teen births to unmarried women soared over 400%. *
  • The United States now has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world. *
  • Sexually transmitted diseases now reaching previously unrecorded levels. *
  • United States share of the world economy down from 50% to 25% since WWII.
  • Former US comptroller David Walker reports the massive entitlement programs will go bankrupt as the baby boom generation retires.
  • National debt upward from $15 trillion.
  • A decrease in the US credit rating.
  • Inverted morality, Hollywood style.
  • All out assault on the Biblical standard of morality.
  • Average child watches up to 8,000 made for T.V. murders and 100,000 acts of violence by the end of grade school.
  • Supreme court justice Ruth Ginsburg published position: The traditional family concept of the husband as a bread – winner and wife as a homemaker must be eliminated.

* Source: national census bureau.

In his book  ‘The Meaning of Culture’, John Powys said, “Culture is the essential quality and character of a nation, and the principle that defines it.” Charles Reich wrote in ‘The Greening of America’, “America is becoming one vast, terrifying anti – community.”  According to authors Orrin Woodward and Oliver DeMille in their new best seller, ‘Leadershift’, “Once Americans knew these issues intricately. They were raised reading and absorbing this stuff. Will we continue to forget the enduring principles that our country was founded upon?” In the waning days of the Roman Republic Livy wrote, ”Trace the progress of our moral decline, to watch first the sinking of the foundations of morality as the old ways were allowed to lapse then the rapidly increasing disintegration, then the final collapse of the whole edifice, then the dark dawning of the modern day when we can neither endure our vices nor face the remedies needed to cure them.”  What kind of America do we want to move toward? This year when we partake in the festivities, whether a cook out or a parade and watch the fire works lets reflect on our past and those leaders who stood for the principles of liberty and freedom. Let’s ask ourselves if we are finally ready for the call to stand up and lead?  God Bless, George Guzzardo


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 10:10 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 9, 2013 10:12 AM EDT
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Monday, July 8, 2013
LIFE Leadership Business

Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward have teamed up for 20 years now in producing world-class leadership information. LIFE Leadership, however, is by far the best teaching and training yet. Check out Chris's blog post below on why. 




The Impetus Behind the Life Leadership Business

There is something really right about a business that allows people to get started for a relatively small amount of money, work at their own pace, be their own boss, experience the responsibilities of business ownership in an actual business endeavor without huge downside risks, have the potential for high upsides, and get the tax advantages that come with business enterprise. These attributes (and others) are what originally attracted me to the profession of networking. However, as I experienced more and more of what goes on in certain parts of this industry, I quickly realized there were several things I hated about it!

I was not alone. Along with my friends Orrin Woodward, Tim Marks, Bill Lewis, George Guzzardo, Claude Hamilton, and Dan Hawkins, we founded the LIFE company in an attempt to build a business to not only be the model of what could be in this profession, but what should be, as well. In other words, we launched LIFE to fix what we didn’t like about the industry while preserving the parts we felt were right about it.

What the Life Leadership Business is Doing 

Below is a list of my beefs with the industry, and what we are doing at LIFE to make it right.

1. No True Customer Focus – Our fix: at LIFE, we not only have a customer focus but a customer requirement. If a LIFE member does not develop at least 50PV in monthly customer flow after a brief apprenticeship period, he or she will not be paid any bonus on group volume. Also, we have the 3 for FREE customer acquisition program, in which any LIFE member, and even any customer, who gets three customers subscribing to the same or higher value package gets his/her products the next month for free! Also we have sales competitions with bonuses for the top finishers, as well as special bonus incentives on sales of particular products. We are also about to announce a sales bonus chart designed to give the smallest participants in the LIFE business a huge sales margin on products sold to help them begin earning more money sooner!

2. Gaudy Lifestyle Representations and Outrageous Income Claims – Our fix: in our business presentations we give only basic scenario-based income representations (as in, “if  you build a business that looks like this, the way the pay plan works, it would result in X amount of pay for that month”), with the largest scenario depicting approximately $9,000 per month in income. (See our Compensation Plan brochure for this). We don’t show cheesy lifestyle pictures or videos, bikini-clad girls on yachts, or shiny bling to try and attract people to a false expectation. Our presentation focuses upon things such as obtaining more free time, better financial security, more focus upon family, travel, church and charity, etc. (We don’t go as far as talking about more time with in-laws, however!) Also, being a new company, we’ve just now completed our first full calendar year in business (year 2012), and therefore can now release an Income Disclosure Statement to inform prospective participants and properly manage their expectations (look for this in the coming weeks).

3. The Host Company Keeps Too Much of the Money – and as a result, the people in the field get to fight over the scraps. Our fix: our pay plan is currently putting approximately 70% of gross product volume (PV) into the field in the various forms of compensation. The company was not just founded by people who had come from the field, but from people who have determined to stay in the field.

4. High Sign Up Costs: We have heard of companies charging hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to join. Our fix: keep it low! Our recommended sign up cost, including sample products (three CDs, a hard cover book, a sticker, access to the LIFE business management website, and two tickets to a LIFE Live event) is just $89.99, in which the products are optional. Our goal is to keep it “less than the cost of a tank of gas!”

5. Poor Guarantees: some are confusing, very limited, or difficult to enact. Our fix: simple and straight forward, a 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee for all our products, including the sign up cost.

6. Trips for Top Performers: While there is nothing wrong with this, we wanted to do something a little different. Our fix: we put two very exciting trips into the compensation program for people with relatively early progress up the performance bonus chart. One is at the 6,000 pv per month level, the other is at the 15,000 pv per month level. Also, these are not business trips in disguise, but legitimate vacations. The recipient selects the trip of his/her choice from the list of available options, and takes the trip when he or she chooses. (See Incentive Trips for more information).

7. High Priced Products – our experience is that many networking companies charge super high prices for their products and then give some of this back to the field and claim that this is their “profit margin,” when in fact, the products are so overpriced no one could ever sell them for that price to begin with. Our fix: keep the prices low! For the type of informational products that LIFE specializes in producing, our competition is almost always 20 to 200% higher. For instance, our CDs sell for just $10, while most on the market in each of our “8F” categories (Faith, family, fitness, finances, friendship, freedom, following, and fun) can be found for sale from $12 to $67! Also, in our subscription packages that include books, we almost always sell the book in that month’s subscription for ten to twenty five percent below list price, as it is just rolled into a standard subscription price that doesn’t fluctuate based upon that months’ book price.

8. Inferior Products – what does this mean? It means that specific products that can easily be commoditized (produced by someone else at a cheaper price or better value, over time) stay in the company’s portfolio long after they are no longer competitive in the marketplace. This leaves those in the field leveraging their personal reputation to sell a product that is no longer the best on the market. Our fix: Informational products such as those LIFE produces cannot become commoditized because they are unique – meaning, by specific authors and speakers whose communication styles, delivery, humor, entertainment value, etc. are not duplicate-able. While the information can perhaps be mimicked by another, the brand cannot be copied.

9. Products that Don’t Matter: The other part about representing commodity products is that they really have no ability to make someone’s life better. Why spend your valuable time and energy working at something that doesn’t do any good? As my friend Tim Marks said, “I don’t want to waste my life selling tube socks and lawn chairs!” My favorite quote is attributed to D.L. Moody: “Our greatest fear should not be that we won’t succeed, but that we’ll succeed at something that doesn’t matter.” As for me, although it’s possible to make money selling commodities, I want what I do to count in the lives of people (and  yes, I understand that we all need commodities to survive, but you get what I’m saying).  I want to make a positive difference in the world.  So our fix: sharing information such as LIFE produces has helped people get out of debt, repair broken relationships, grow personally, break addictions, grow spiritually, and, as the tag line says, “live the life they’ve always wanted.”  To me, THAT’s something that matters.

But the Life Leadership Business Isn’t Perfect

Now don’t get me wrong. We don’t have the LIFE business perfected yet, as that would be impossible. But we are working daily to make it better and better, in an attempt to deliver exactly what people want and expect in an informational product company, and for a potential business enterprise for many. Also, while we believe that our products are for everybody, we DON’T think the business building aspect of LIFE is for everybody. It is only for those who are prepared to work hard, who are looking for something more in life than they can currently accomplish, who enjoy working with and helping other people, and who have a long-term vision and can stay the course.

Thanks for reading!


Chris Brady


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 10:44 AM EDT
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Self-Help Industry Success

Bestselling author Tim Marks shares his thoughts on the self-help industry. Tim, along with Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward led the launch of LIFE Leadership in late 2011. The explosive growth of this new leadership icon speaks volumes for the hunger of people to grow and change if given the right information. Here is Tim's blog post. 

On November 1st, 2011, eight business partners and friends, spearheaded by New York Times best-selling author Orrin Woodward, launched a brand-new company called LIFE.  I was blessed to have earned my place amongst these men, and together we flipped the ignition switch on a nearly two-decade dream: a company that would not only offer a life-changing business opportunity, but would market life-changing products.

Results speak for themselves: in our first year of business, our products through LIFE and LIFE TRAINING sold a combined total of $53 million.  As well, we give a financial incentive for people to change.  We for those individuals who build a thriving community, great financial rewards are around the corner.  It shouldn’t come as a surprise that we have achieved early success.  First and foremost, we have a high-performing team of business leaders and a thriving business community.  These folks could sell ice cream cones to Eskimos.  But we’ve been saddled in the past with clunky, overpriced products that would thrill your great-grandmother but were decidedly not “red-hot” or “cool” in any way, and still managed to break sales records.  With LIFE, we went a decidedly different direction.  Our LIFE products, including the books, CDs, DVDs, and seminars created and delivered by LIFE fit by definition within a niche industry that has best topping the best-selling charts for years: the self-help industry.

A decade ago, the global economy was in pretty good shape, but my personal economic situation was a disaster.  I had over 33 rental properties and my property manager had behaved in an unfortunate way with how she managed the books and the money.  I was caught holding the bag and faced crushing debt.  But I had discovered an amazing author and Christian motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, when I stumbled across his audio cassette titled Goals.  That tape opened the door to my changing the way my mind thinks.  I devoured every book and cassette from Zig I could find, and even had the opportunity once to shake his hand and get his autograph.  I owe so much to that man and am so grateful he captured his positive message in books and tapes that I might one day stumble across and begin to change my life.

I believe so much of the success of the self-help industry is stories like mine: people who have had success point backwards in time saying, “My life was changed when I read Greatest Salesman in the World, Think and Grow Rich and Dale Carnegie books.”  However, there is a downside to the self-help industry that the LIFE business has worked diligently to address.

First of all, a lot of the stuff on shelves at your book stores is written by authors who aren’t walking their talk.  For one example, I know of a best-selling relationship book whose author has been divorced multiple times!  This is not true in the LIFE business.  All of our authors and speakers have been vetted through a very simple formula: results.  If someone hasn’t done it, they aren’t teaching it from our stage.

Secondly, the self-help industry grants the average guy on the street access to wisdom from successful people they might never meet, (which is a positive thing,) but with no follow-up action steps to guide them, the reader is left floundering as to what steps they should take!  You might buy a great book from a successful author who gets you pumped up, thinking, “Yeah, I can DO IT!”  But in the next breath, you are caught wondering, “Do what, exactly?!?”  Our books, CDs, DVDs and seminars leave people feeling motivated, but with the critical element of a GAME PLAN.  We have a franchised strategy that gets repeated over and over called POWER PLAYERLIFE combines the “One-two” punch of motivation with clear action steps to follow through on.

Third, the self-help industry is HUGE.  When someone walks into a bookstore, they might be overwhelmed, thinking, “Where do I begin?”  The LIFE business solves that problem by having teams of leaders scour the landscape for the brightest, most powerful, most credible advice captured in print or audio, sending the best books and CDS out each month in our SUBSCRIPTIONS.  This saves you the time of sifting through a riverbed of silt looking for the golden nuggets of wisdom.  Our leaders save YOU time so that you can get busy on learning to be a leader.

And fourth, the self-help industry promotes too much of the “self” in self-help.  Because the average person doesn’t have access to a mentor, they really are left to fend for themselves and figure things out through trial-and-error.  Our LIFE business brings that critical component of MENTORSHIP, when high-performing protégés can earn access to mentorship with the people who have massive results.  Mentors can trouble shoot with you as you attempt to apply leadership wisdom in books to real-life situations with all of the variables involved.  If a protégé can’t humble themselves to follow the advice of someone more experienced, they are in for a long and painful journey.  As a leader once said, “If you are too big to follow, you are too small to lead.”

Folks, the self-help industry is booming, just like the food industry is booming.  But just because you can eat something doesn’t mean you should.  By combining results-based teaching, a strategy of Power Player, the specific selection of books in our subscriptions, and application under the guiding hand of a mentor, anyone can take the LIFE products and create the LIFE they’ve always wanted!

God bless, Tim


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 1:13 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 2, 2013 1:15 AM EDT
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