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Orrin Woodward LIFE Leadership
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The LIFE Business

The LIFE Business is officially launching November 1! The growth leading up to this launch has smashed every record in the TEAM's book. Tens of thousands of people are enjoying the benefits of LIFE and Leadership information while growing personally and professionally. Companies and individuals are applying the principles of success into their companies and families, focusing on making a difference. Which of the 8F's would you like to improve? Here is an article from Orrin Woodward's blog

The LIFE TEAM just capped it best week in its history of community building.  We have had massive growth over the years to reach tens of thousands, but this week was number one in total numbers growth!  So many people are taking the leadership challenge themselves, listening and applying the principles being taught on our LIFE CD’s and changing their lives. LIFE teaches virtuous wisdom – applying the right principle at the right time in the right area for the right reason. What makes the LIFE opportunity so exciting to so many is the five points discussed below. This is the first time that a leadership company is focused on bringing the best in leadership at a price that is affordable to everyone. Currently, the LIFE TEAM is working on a site for customers and members to share testimonies of how the LIFE materials helped them improve in the 8F’s – Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, Friends, Freedom, Fun, and Following. Don’t just exist in life, instead, thrive in LIFE. Here are the Five principles from an earlier post. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

First, Chris Brady and I wrote the Wall Street Journal and New York Times best seller Launching a Leadership Revolution. The book is used extensively by top corporate leaders. (I would gladly list their names and companies, however to protect them from being internet flamed, I won’t) I receive emails monthly from leaders who are teaching the book’s materials into corporate America. We realized that our leadership materials were world-class, not surprising, since we had to to build communities, despite the anchor of high-priced products. Since this book, both Chris and I have received numerous awards for our leadership blogs, twitter accounts, and online presence, recently commended as two of the Top 30 leadership gurus in the world. Indeed, LIFE is the only company with two Top 30 Leadership Gurus. For the first time in our Networking careers, we had products already in demand in the marketplace, since our leadership materials were selling briskly to customers already.

Second, by thoroughly reviewing the leadership field, we identified the pricing strategies of every major leadership supplier. Leadership CD’s ranged from a low of $12 to over $50 per CD on the high end. Because the TEAM is building and serving communities everyday, we are constantly learning and growing in the field of leadership, ensuring our information never becomes dated or out of touch. Simply stated, LIFE will be the lowest cost provider of the highest quality leadership material in the marketplace, period. No ifs, ands, or buts, about it. New members of LIFE can get started own their own business for under $150 which includes the first leadership materials. Through purchasing as little as $50 per month for personal development, he is fully qualified for bonuses. Instead of the $200, $300, sometimes as high as $600 a month in purchases, we are bringing Network Marketing to the people, at a price that they can afford. On top of this, if a member or even a customer, refers three other people as customers, his personal leadership subscription will be FREE! After LIFE launches, Network Marketing will be affordable for everyone. Where in the history of networking has a company launched with the proven top quality products, from recognized leaders in the field, all at the lowest price? Has this ever happened before? It will on November 1, 2011.

Third, by taking the best quality, lowest price, and adding the most lucrative compensation plan in the history of network marketing, one can quickly see why LIFE will be world-changing. With the benchmark compensation plans currently running around 50% of revenues, what would happen if a company, which was less concerned about it’s bottom line, and more concerned about helping people get financially free, were to release a marketing plan that started at 70% of every revenue dollar paid back to field leaders in bonuses. How is this possible? Simply put, each of the owners of LIFE has committed to make his money through leading communities, not by riding on his ownership shares. This is revolutionary because it brings field leadership to networking ownership with the goal to change people lives, not become billionaires. We studied leadership, because we experienced first hand the effects that leadership delivers into a person’s life, we intend to pay this blessing forward. In fact, a 70% payout is over twice as much money flowing to the community leaders as many of the top compensation plans in networking today. Don’t forget this is on top of MonaVie’s top notch compensation plan. As the LIFE business grows, I intend to go even higher. Can you imagine, receiving an un-promised and unexpected LIFE profit-sharing check for tens of thousand of dollars, all because LIFE is thriving financially? I can, and intend to make this vision a reality.

Fourth, the TEAM, with nearly 15,000 plus people attending seminars monthly, either live or through streaming video, is expanding its reach and scope monthly. LIFE Founders and leaders of the caliber of Chris Brady, Tim Marks, Claude Hamilton, George Guzzardo, Bill Lewis, and Dan Hawkins, each personally lead communities of thousands of people. If someone desires to learn leadership, I do not believe there is a better community to learn from anywhere in North America. Since 1999, we have been perfecting our craft, building numbers and building leaders. Because the Team is a performance-based culture, 100% of the profits remaining after expenses are flowed back to the field leaders who qualify as directors. Unlike most training companies, where a few keep all profits, we designed a fair system to reward the leadership team that builds the TEAM. No special deals period, everything is based upon numerical performance. What other training company can say that? Indeed, to my knowledge, TEAM is the only zero profit training company in the marketplace. Anyone who builds a community through serving others can become a Director, helping to train new leaders and be rewarded for doing so. In addition, thanks to the lucrative compensation plan associated with LIFE, the majority of a person’s income will come from the MLM, not the training system. The bigger the community the bigger the leader must be. Building large numbers requires grace, to love people where they are at, long enough for them to want to get better. However, no community is perfect. When issues arise, we have a culture that teaches conflict resolution, gaining “teachable moments,” from every issue, making each leader grow and improve. This is a TEAM difference.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone in Network Marketing. I have met some of my best friends in network marketing, as they are some of the hardest working, best attitude people on the planet.  In the West’s current leadership crisis, who knows but that some of the top networking leaders will stand up and do something about this mess. Many Americans and Canadians citizens are are wary of more Big Governments solutions to the problems facing us. Maybe it’s time for communities to grow large enough to solve these issues through social power, not State power. LIFE is a plan for citizens to join together, improving ourselves so we can improve our communities, ultimately improving the world. By combining world-class credibility, compensation, and community together, all at the lowest cost/price, we have designed the 4C’s for your success. If a person chooses to believe rumor, hearsay, and popular opinion, then all I can say is good luck and God bless you. But if a person is truly looking for an opportunity, an opportunity that the LIFE leaders invested millions to gain the freedom to offer, then your journey has ended. Welcome to the LIFE TEAM, and your destiny. It’s time to move on to 1 million people, what part will you play?

Posted by OrrinWoodward at 6:34 AM EDT
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Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Leadership and Envy

Here is a thought provoking on leadership and envy from Orrin Woodward.

Read an informational article on envy from Ayn Rand.  Ayn Rand was a gifted economist/philosopher who wrote several best selling books.  She has hit the nail on the head for managers who desire the attributes, respect or possessions of leaders—without the hunger to develop the corresponding skills necessary to lead.  Envy is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die.  Envy kills the host organism and ruins their ability to think, lead and function properly.  I have attached Ayn Rand’s original article and placed my thoughts on leaders vs. envious managers after each paragraph.  If you plan on excelling in leadership—plan on dealing with envy.   You can either learn from leaders or envy leaders.  The choice is yours.  Have you dealt with envy on your leadership journey?  Keep growing as a leader and on your way to the top, you will. God Bless, Orrin Woodward


Superficially, the motive of those who hate the good is taken to be envy.  A dictionary definition of envy is: “1. a sense of discontent or jealousy with regard to another’s advantages, success, possessions, etc.  2. desire for an advantaged position possessed by another.” (The Random House Dictionary, 1968.)  The same dictionary adds the following elucidation:  “To envy is to feel resentful because someone else possesses or has achieved what one wishes oneself to possess or to have achieved.”


A leader is someone who has a following.  The hungry student desires to learn from the leader to develop their own following.  This is natural and why mentor-mentee relationships are so important.  If someone desired to have a following, but was not willing to develop into a leader—they have a major problem.  Groups will only willingly follow leaders—not managers.  If the manager desires the following of a leader, but the group follows the leader—the envious person will attack the leader (object of envy) through slander, libel, legal system, etc.  The envious manager would attack the leader and attempt to bribe, cajole, threaten and intimidate the followers to convince them to stop following the object of their envy and to start following them instead.


This covers a great many emotional responses, which come from different motives.  In a certain sense, the second definition is the opposite of the first, and the more innocent of the two.   For example, if a poor man experiences a moment’s envy of another man’s wealth, the feeling may mean nothing more than a momentary concretization of his desire for wealth; the feeling is not directed against that particular rich person and is concerned with the wealth, not the person.  The feeling, in effect, may amount to: “I wish I had an income or a house, or a car, or an overcoat) like his.”  The result of this feeling may be an added incentive for the man to improve his financial condition.


If a manager desired to be the leader of a group of people—they may experience a twinge of envy against the real leader.  This desire is natural and if used to seek counsel from the object of envy—they would learn to lead and perhaps develop their own following.   Recognizing the vast gap between the leader’s influence and the manager’s influence is called confronting reality.  All the manager would have to do is ask the leader how they developed their influence.   Successful leaders are always willing to help managers develop into influential leaders because they do not envy others success.


The feeling is less innocent, if it amounts to: “I want this man’s car (or overcoat, or diamond shirt studs, or industrial establishment).” The result is a criminal.


This is where envy can eat at the manager doing the envying and destroy their ability to influence.  The manager no longer desires to develop the skills necessary to lead their own group of people—instead, the manager’s envy drives him to take the followers from the leader against their will.  People will not willingly follow the manager which creates an environment of threats and intimidation to force people to do the envious manager’s will.  The result is criminal as Ayn Rand states. 


But these are still human beings, in various stages of immorality, compared to the inhuman object whose feeling is: “I hate this man because he is wealthy and I am not.”


The manager states, “I hate this leader because he has influence and I do not.”


Envy is part of this creature’s feeling, but only the superficial, semi-respectable part; it is the tip of an iceberg showing nothing worse than ice, but with the submerged part consisting of a compost of rotting living matter.  The envy, in this case, is semi-respectable because it seems to imply a desire for material possessions, which is a human being’s desire. But, deep down, the creature has no such desire: it does not want to be rich, it wants the human being to be poor.


When the manager is consumed with envy—they no longer desire to develop influence.  Their only desire is to destroy the influence of the leader they envy.  The followers see the manager for what he is: a small person that is not capable or willing to learn leadership.


This is particularly clear in the much more virulent cases of hatred, masked as envy, for those who possess personal values or virtues: hatred of a man (or a woman) because he (or she) is beautiful or intelligent or successful or honest or happy.  In these cases, the creature has no desire and makes no effort to improve its appearance, to develop or to use its intelligence, to struggle for success, to practice honesty, to be happy (nothing can make it happy).  It knows that the disfigurement or the mental collapse or the failure or the immorality or the misery of its victim would not endow it with his or her value. It does not desire the value: it desires the value’s destruction.


The managers continued envy eventually develops into hatred of the leader’s character and virtues.  The manager drops all pretence of attempting to help the followers.  The manager only seeks to destroy as many people following the leader as possible.  The manager realizes the leader’s followers will never be his followers, but this is no longer the goal.  The goal is not to maintain the value of the community: the goal is only to destroy the value of the community. 


“They do not want to own your fortune, they want you to lose it; they do not want to succeed, they want you to fail; they do not want to live, they want you to die; they desire nothing, they hate existence …”(Atlas Shrugged. – Ayn Rand)


The manager does not want to own your community of people, they want the leader to lose it; they do not want to succeed as a leader, they want you to fail as a leader; they do not want to survive, they want you to die; they desire no leadership, they hate leadership.  


What do you do when a manager envies your leadership and influence?  I believe you must answer personal attacks with a restorer’s heart.  The envious manager seeks to destroy, but the principle centered leader seeks to restore.  As a leader, you are responsible to follow God’s law—let Him be responsible for the consequences of your obedience.


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 10:25 AM EDT
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Thursday, September 15, 2011

This is what the LIFE Leadership TEAM is all about.

What separates those who achieve greatness in life from those who seem to just get by? More pointedly, what separates those who just get by from those who blame others for their sorry existence? The answer to both questions relates to the level of commitment made to live by one’s resolutions. I am excited to announce the release of RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for LIFE on November 1, 2011. It is a perfect match to go with the launch of LIFE. Get ready for an exciting future. Here is a portion of the introduction from the new book. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

In the early eighteenth century, three young colonial Americans resolved to build lives of virtue through the study and application of daily resolutions. Each made his life count, creating a legacy of selfless thoughts, words, and deeds. The first, through tireless sacrificial leadership, against indescribable odds, defeated the mighty British Empire with his ragtag group of colonial volunteers. The second, through his growing international fame, sterling character and endless tact, became America’s leading diplomat, forming international alliances that secured war funding, without which, the colonial’s cause was doomed. The third, by his overwhelming intellectual and spiritual gifts, became colonial America’s greatest minister, who by his preaching and writing, fanned the flames of the Great Awakening; a spiritual renewal in colonial America, that led to further political and economic freedoms after the American Revolution. These men, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Jonathan Edwards, transformed themselves through the diligent study and application of their resolutions, creating an enduring legacy, not just through what they did, but more importantly through who they were. George Washington developed into a man of character whose love of principles surpassed his love for power; Ben Franklin developed into a man of tact whose desire for influence surpassed his need for recognition; and Jonathan Edwards developed into a spiritual giant whose humility surpassed his need for human advancement. All three developed wisdom by overcoming self. Through developing, studying, and consistently applying their resolutions, these men changed not only themselves, but also the world.

But if three of the greatest Americans utilized resolutions to develop wisdom and virtue, why isn’t this practice taught in every family, school and church around the world? Stephen Covey suggests an answer, “As my study took me back through 200 years of writing about success, I noticed a startling pattern emerging in the content of literature. . . I began to feel more and more that much of the success literature of the past 50 years was superficial. It was filled with social image consciousness, techniques and quick fixes – with social band-aids and aspirin that addressed acute problems and sometimes appeared to solve them temporarily, but left the underlying chronic problems untouched to fester and resurface time and again.” Society it seems, values image over integrity, commercialism over character, and fame over foundations, but what a high price has been paid for these errors. Jose Ortega y Gassett, in his book, Revolt of the Masses, describes the dichotomy, “The most radical division that is possible to make of humanity is that which splits it into two classes of creatures: those who make great demands on themselves, piling up difficulties and duties; and those who demand nothing special of themselves, but for whom to live is to be every moment what they already are, without imposing upon themselves any effort towards perfection; mere buoys that float on the waves.”

Washington, Franklin, and Edwards achieved lasting greatness then, not as floating buoys, but by swimming against the current. Resolving to be different, they nurtured themselves on principles not personalities, seeking the true greatness of character, not the false friendship of fame. Author Jim Black wrote, “For most of our history, Americans placed greater stock in a man’s character than in his possessions. The American Dream held that, by hard work and self-discipline we could achieve success. And success was not measured in material possessions alone…The common wisdom of the day taught that greed, luxury, and self-indulgence were the passions of weak character. And the frugal nature of the pioneers taught that the treasures to be valued most were the virtues of honesty, good character, and moral strength.” Covey describes America’s founding success literature similarly, writing, “The first 150 years or so focused on what could be called the Character Ethic as the foundation of success – things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, and the Golden Rule.” Without character, in other words, one can never be truly successful because the foundation of all long-term success isn’t what a person owns, but who a person is. Regretfully, society seems to have forgotten this commonsense principle, probably because commonsense isn’t so common today.


Posted by OrrinWoodward at 8:21 AM EDT
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011
LIFE TEAM Exponential Growth

An excellent message from Orrin Woodward!

LIFE is a TEAM sport! That's right, life is tough so having a community to support you helps lighten the load. I am so proud of the TEAM community as it has just registered its fastest growth month since 2003! Organizations with over ten thousand people rarely hit double digit growth in a month, but in the last 30 days, the TEAM has grown over 12%!!! :) This is well over doubling the size of the TEAM on an annualized basis. Why all the new growth? Because we are launching LIFE, the network marketing game changer. Congratulations to all the leaders who are PDCA-ing their way to success. One million people time! Here is a video on the PDCA process from last years MasterMind event with Art Jonak. I cannot wait for this year's event to see all of my networking friends. The PDCA process is discussed in two chapters of my soon to be released book RESOLVED: 13 Resolutions for LIFE. Enjoy. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward

Posted by OrrinWoodward at 8:37 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 6, 2011 8:43 AM EDT
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Orrin Woodward LIFE TEAM Systems

Here is a super message from Orrin Woodward on LIFE TEAM Systems. Every business runs better when systems are applied to it. 

Orrin Woodward loves systems. Thats right, I love them. As a boy, being mathematically inclined, I develop statistical permutations to simulate a baseball game with my baseball cards. In fact, I realized years later, in my Statistics class at GMI, that I was being taught similar techniques to the ones that I developed when I was 12 years old. I LOVE SYSTEMS!

When I went to GMI-EMI (now Kettering), my bachelor of science was in Manufacturing Systems. I learned so much about manufacturing processing, theory of constraints, and cost analysis to become dangerous in the systems field. Becoming an engineer was one of the better decisions I made, helping me to think systematically when challenges arose.

Now I am a leader and networker, but I still love systems. Indeed, if it weren’t for my systems background, I would have never accomplished the result in networking that I have. To date, I have been blessed with 12 separate teams that gather over 300 people (some many more) at seminars monthly. How can anyone have that many organizations growing at the same time? Simply put, through systems.

On the last day of my all expenses paid trip to Hawaii courtesy of MonaVie, Dallin Larsen presented me with a $300,000 bonus. What for do you ask? For simply repeating the Presidential rank. Last year, Dallin announced that he would pay a one time cash award for anyone in North America who repeats or advances their rank. Laurie and I were the highest ranking distributors in MonaVie to repeat rank. How did we do it? Again, through systems thinking and the great group of leaders developed through the TEAM system. I know, I know, many people had written the TEAM off, like they always do, but lacking in systems thinking, their predictions consistently fail.

While amateurs, who have no systems training rail against systems, those in the know seem hungry to learn the secret of systematic success. In my former company, several of the top distributors with the largest businesses, sat down with me for hours at a time, seeking to learn how to run duplicatable processes and systems within networking. I was more than happy to help as I believe a rising tide lifts all ships. A person either builds a system to do the heavy lifting in networking or he becomes the system until he falters through sheer exhaustion. Building leaders and building systems has been, and will always be the path that I choose to build networks. In reality, there simply is not other way to build a long-term sustainable business, regardless of how many failed non-systematic networkers believe otherwise.

One of the systems gurus of the 20th century is a man named Buckminster Fuller. When Fuller was a young man he initially felt he had wasted his life. When he was 32, his only daughter died leaving him severely depressed. Soon afterwards, alone at an ocean beach, Fuller waded further and further from shore contemplating ending his life. But at the point of surrender he realized he hadn’t really given life a chance. From the brink of suicide, he resolved to spend all of his energy discovering what a single human life could achieve. In a 1972 interview, Fuller explained the power a single human life had to change the direction of the world:

Something hit me very hard once, thinking about what one little man could do. Think of the Queen Mary — the whole ship goes by and then comes the rudder. And there’s a tiny thing at the edge of the rudder called a trim tab. It’s a miniature rudder. Just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. Takes almost no effort at all. So I said that the little individual can be a trim tab. Society thinks it’s going right by you, that it’s left you altogether. But if you’re doing dynamic things mentally, the fact is that you can just put your foot out like that and the whole big ship of state is going to go. So I said, call me Trim Tab.

LIFE is the Trim Tab for Network Marketing, taking systems thinking to the next level. I am so excited to help more people than ever accomplish their dreams through a systems mindset. If a person chooses to be a student, then get ready for the best year of your life. With that said, I have neither the time, nor the inclination, to convince people against their will. If a person doesn’t see value in our system, then quit. If he doesn’t enjoy the CD’s, then quit. If he doesn’t like me, then quit. But even if one chooses to do so, you have no right to criticize someone more courageous than yourself.  You, in other words, are not God and your perception of the facts is not valid for all. Since 15,000 people plus are enjoying the benefits of the TEAM system perhaps your opinion is wrong. Is anyone truthfully saying they are smarter than the combined intellectual firepower and leadership capabilities of 15,000 people? This doesn’t even account for the over 100 plus businesses buying thousands of LLR CD’s yearly. Free Enterprise means that people and companies are free to choose or free not to choose. LIFE certainly isn’t for everyone as it takes a dream, courage, guts, determination, and drive to fulfill one’s destiny. My goal is not to sponsor the world, but only the people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired by what the world has to offer.

My son (Jordan) turned 18 last week. He was given the free choice to either choose the business path, building his own business and setting himself financially free or the employee path through attending university. I explained to him that if he chose the 5% path, then he can self-educate himself as many leaders on the TEAM have. However, if he chose the 95% path, then he needs copious amounts of educational training through respected universities in order to advance through Corporate America. In fact, I told him that we would give him one year to display either his hunger to build a business or its off to 95% university training. Life passes by those who are not committed, and, in my opinion, too few people make and keep commitments. My son has chosen the path of entrepreneurship. Now let the dreams, struggle, and work begin to achieve his victory. Jordan asked me what it would take to succeed, and I told him he needed to find a job or conventional business to invest in books, CD’s, attending seminars, and showing the plan to earn his freedom. Sound familiar? I hope so. No one gets a special deal on the TEAM, no one, not even the founders son. In a nutshell, I told him he had to master systems! It never changes. I love systems.

I believe that if a new person were to ask for and listen to any random ten Launching a Leadership Revolution CD’s, that he would quickly realize why LIFE is going to be so huge. Indeed, each person ought to listen to 10 CDs as quickly as possible to decide for himself the value of the system. Remember, a man with the facts is never at the mercy of a man with an opinion. No organization has married so many of the correct principles of a systems mindset together in one place as LIFE will on November 1, 2011. The only question is: are you ready to work for your dream. If you are, then welcome to your destiny. If you are not, then you are already fulfilling your destiny. Destiny is not in the stars, it’s not even in the circumstances, but it’s definitely in the decisions that you make and keep. I decided years ago to master systems, it has made all the difference for me, my family and the TEAM. Perhaps is time you revamped your life, making LIFE the Trim Tab that changes everything. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward



Posted by OrrinWoodward at 5:26 PM EDT
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Sunday, August 21, 2011
LIFE TEAM - The Five Principles for LIFE

Here is an excellent article on the planned intentional excellence for LIFE!

In the past few months, since the announcement of LIFE, the TEAM, and more specifically me, have been under increasing online attacks. Why the sudden surge of negativity? Simple, LIFE is a game-changer that will change the rules of the profession. Since the LIFE business cannot be attacked, the next best thing is to attack the owners. Not being intellectually honest, they  follow the principle if one cannot attack the message, then attack the messenger. I know I am not perfect but these critics must believe they are.

When I was younger and naive, I was befriended by several “legends” in my old network marketing company. Since my business was the fastest growing in North America, I was exposed to the society of “Haters” early. People who didn’t know me, but with an axe to grind against Network Marketing, shot at me. In my inexperience, I took it personally, not professionally, wanting to fight back. However, the company’s rules, at the time, forbid any online discussions from distributors, so my hands were tied. When a person on my team started an anonymous blog, I realized this was the only way to get our side of the facts out. I didn’t start the blog, but I did contribute content. In fact, many of the board members, of which I was not a part of at the time, provided facts, figures, and later gossip that I passed on. For this, I am sorry. This was not helping my cause, but only hurting my attitude. Later, I requested for the blog shut to be down. It stopped posting, but for whatever reason the blogger refused to take down the content. In late 2005, I made a commitment not to fight back against critics, but instead, let the truth be my first, last, and only defense. I heard a beautiful quote that exemplifies this principle, “Don’t criticize the old, but just create the new.” LIFE is not about criticizing the old, merely focused on creating the new.

Although I am more than happy to entertain any genuine questions or concerns about the LIFE business model, I will not stoop into mud-slinging. In truth, LIFE shouldn’t even be perceived as a business threat because it will not accept applications from distributors under contract with other companies. We simply are not interested in building a business by raiding others networks. If any company has a leader under contratual obligations attempting to move over, all that it has to do is contact LIFE when it’s launched, we will remove his number immediately. Our goal is to build a business and help people, not hurt any current companies. Of course, anyone in networking can enjoy the benefits of the leadership as a customer only, helping him to become a better leader. The goal then, is to grow an organic community that reaches one million people.

With that said, let me share why I believe LIFE will reach one million people. Scott Larsen, probably Network Marketing’s most logical critic, was an engineer as I was. He pointedly reasoned why Network Marketing doesn’t work for most people, identifying the cost of of buying premium products as excessive. In fact, his price comparisons made the products offered look ridiculously overpriced compared to what a person could purchase similar merchandise at Walmart or Target. Larsen also identified that the compensation plans did not reward distributors appropriately for the level of work involved, leading to top networkers using system money fill the gap instead. Although I have no issue with someone making money from quality training, Larsen pointed out that the system became the main business and the products were just along for the ride. After reviewing his concerns, I had to admit Larsen was onto something.

After 3 years of attempting to drive change within my former company and 3 years of legal proceedings, I am finally free to pursue the vision. My partnership with Dallin Larsen has been a God-send to me. He believes in the dream to reach millions of people and has provided a green light to build LIFE. For a new person, if money isn’t an issue, then MonaVie products can be purchased in the fitness category immediately; however, if money is a constraint, then instead of having nothing to offer him, we can bring him into LIFE until we turn his finances around, eventually making the fitness category affordable for him. This is a true win-win partnership for both companies and why I respect Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the year Dallin Larsen so much.

Maybe, I am mistaken. Perhaps LIFE isn’t the answer for this profession, but I do believe as an American, I have a right to discover this for myself. For anyone to assume that I launched Life to pad my bank account, he must either be living in a hole somewhere or have an agenda. It would have been much easier for me to surrender my dream and keep my money, but the vision refused to die. The TEAM leaders dreamed of an opportunity to change this industry, and we have paid dearly for the opportunity do so. This is not the actions of a money-hungry mob, but instead, a vision-oriented leadership group on its way to one million people.

Here are the five fixes proposed to change the rules of Networking forever:

First, Chris Brady and I wrote the Wall Street Journal and New York Times best seller Launching a Leadership Revolution. The book is used extensively by top corporate leaders. (I would gladly list their names and companies, however to protect them from being internet flamed, I won’t) I receive emails monthly from leaders who are teaching the book’s materials into corporate America. We realized that our leadership materials were world-class, not surprising, since we had to to build communities, despite the anchor of high-priced products. Since this book, both Chris and I have received numerous awards for our leadership blogs, twitter accounts, and online presence, recently commended as two of the Top 30 leadership gurus in the world. Indeed, LIFE is the only company with two Top 30 Leadership Gurus. For the first time in our Networking careers, we had products already in demand in the marketplace, since our leadership materials were selling briskly to customers already.

Second, by thoroughly reviewing the leadership field, we identified the pricing strategies of every major leadership supplier. Leadership CD’s ranged from a low of $12 to over $50 per CD on the high end. Because the TEAM is building and serving communities everyday, we are constantly learning and growing in the field of leadership, ensuring our information never becomes dated or out of touch. Simply stated, LIFE will be the lowest cost provider of the highest quality leadership material in the marketplace, period. No ifs, ands, or buts, about it. New members of LIFE can get started own their own business for under $150 which includes the first leadership materials. Through investing as little as $50 per month for personal development, he is fully qualified for bonuses. Instead of the $200, $300, sometimes as high as $600 a month in purchases, we are bringing Network Marketing to the people, at a price that they can afford. On top of this, if a member or even a customer, refers three other people as customers, his personal leadership subscription will be FREE! After LIFE launches, Network Marketing will be affordable for everyone. Where in the history of networking has a company launched with the proven top quality products, from recognized leaders in the field, all at the lowest price? Has this ever happened before? It will on November 1, 2011.

Third, by taking the best quality, lowest price, and adding the most lucrative compensation plan in the history of network marketing, one can quickly see why LIFE will be world-changing. With the benchmark compensation plans currently running around 50% of revenues, what would happen if a company, which was less concerned about it’s bottom line, and more concerned about helping people get financially free, were to release a marketing plan that started at 70% of every revenue dollar paid back to field leaders in bonuses. How is this possible? Simply put, each of the owners of LIFE has committed to make his money through leading communities, not by riding on his ownership shares. This is revolutionary because it brings field leadership to networking ownership with the goal to change people lives, not become billionaires. We studied leadership, because we experienced first hand the effects that leadership delivers into a person’s life, we intend to pay this blessing forward. In fact, a 70% payout is over twice as much money flowing to the community leaders as many of the top compensation plans in networking today. Don’t forget this is on top of MonaVie’s top notch compensation plan. As the LIFE business grows, I intend to go even higher. Can you imagine, receiving an un-promised and unexpected LIFE profit-sharing check for tens of thousand of dollars, all because LIFE is thriving financially? I can, and intend to make this vision a reality.

Fourth, the TEAM, with nearly 15,000 plus people attending seminars monthly, either live or through streaming video, is expanding its reach and scope monthly. LIFE Founders and leaders of the caliber of Chris Brady, Tim Marks, Claude Hamilton, George Guzzardo, Bill Lewis, and Dan Hawkins, each personally lead communities of thousands of people. If someone desires to learn leadership, I do not believe there is a better community to learn from anywhere in North America. Since 1999, we have been perfecting our craft, building numbers and building leaders. Because the Team is a performance-based culture, 100% of the profits remaining after expenses are flowed back to the field leaders who qualify as directors. Unlike most training companies, where a few keep all profits, we designed a fair system to reward the leadership team that builds the TEAM. No special deals period, everything is based upon numerical performance. What other training company can say that? Indeed, to my knowledge, TEAM is the only zero profit training company in the marketplace. Anyone who builds a community through serving others can become a Director, helping to train new leaders and be rewarded for doing so. In addition, thanks to the lucrative compensation plan associated with LIFE, the majority of a person’s income will come from the MLM, not the training system. The bigger the community the bigger the leader must be. Building large numbers requires grace, to love people where they are at, long enough for them to want to get better. However, no community is perfect. When issues arise, we have a culture that teaches conflict resolution, gaining “teachable moments,” from every issue, making each leader grow and improve. This is a TEAM difference.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone in Network Marketing. I have met some of my best friends in network marketing, as they are some of the hardest working, best attitude people on the planet.  In the West’s current leadership crisis, who knows but that some of the top networking leaders will stand up and do something about this mess. Many Americans and Canadians citizens are are wary of more Big Governments solutions to the problems facing us. Maybe it’s time for communities to grow large enough to solve these issues through social power, not State power. LIFE is a plan for citizens to join together, improving ourselves so we can improve our communities, ultimately improving the world. By combining world-class credibility, compensation, and community together, all at the lowest cost/price, we have designed the 4C’s for your success. If a person chooses to believe rumor, hearsay, and popular opinion, then all I can say is good luck and God bless you. But if a person is truly looking for an opportunity, an opportunity that the LIFE leaders invested millions to gain the freedom to offer, then your journey has ended. Welcome to the LIFE TEAM, and your destiny. It’s time to move on to 1 million people, what part will you play? Sincerely, Orrin Woodward



Posted by OrrinWoodward at 11:50 AM EDT
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Friday, August 12, 2011

This is the most exciting time in TEAM's history. Orrin, Chris, Tim, and the rest of the PC leaders have outdone themselves. Findly, there is a leadership/networking company that is affordable, if not free (with three its free).  LIFE is good, but it's only getting better. Watch this video!

Chris Brady and I went to Lansing, Michigan for a Super Open.  With TEAM in it's pre-launch phase of LIFE, numbers and excitement are peaking! With over 1500 in live attendance plus 760 TEAM Casts locations, with an average of 15-20 per house, this was the single biggest Open meeting in TEAM's history.  Now people can enjoy the leadership training in the comfort of their own or a neighbors house, reducing the amount of time, travel and hotel space needed, while increasing the quality of speaker content across the community.  Here is a description of the intersectional quality of TEAM's new business model - LIFE.  LIFE's plan is to grow all 8F's, helping serve each member with the only company with two of the Top 30 Leadership Gurus and New York Times Best Selling Authors.  Not too mention the lowest priced leadership products, all within the record setting TEAM community.  Finally, In November, LIFE will launch the most lucrative compensation plan in the history of Networking. I love win-win-win, and this plan is a win for customers, win for TEAM members, and win for Dallin Larsen. I personally want to thank Dallin Larsen, Ernst & Young entrepreneur of the year, for having the vision and foresight to partner with leaders in a win-win fashion. When TEAM reaches a million people, he will be happy with the results. :) Onward to 1 million! God Bless, Orrin Woodward

Posted by OrrinWoodward at 7:51 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, August 12, 2011 7:58 AM EDT
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Now Playing: LIFE Business Pre-Launch

Thanks to the dedicated commitment of the TEAM PC and Dallin Larsen, LIFE (Living Intentionally For Excellence) has been officially pre-launched. The goal is to bring Leadership Development, LIFE Coaching, and the value of Social Networking together in one company. LIFE brings leadership and personal development to the masses, providing two of the top 15 Leadership Gurus at the best price points in the industry. In the last 60 days, since we announced we would pre-launch at the the Fresno and Columbus majors, our TEAM numbers have grown nearly 3,000 people in attendance at seminars. LIFE is tapping into one of the most important needs for the West - Principle-based Leadership. If you are sick and tired of waiting for someone else to change your situation, perhaps its time to start LIFE. God Bless, Orrin Woodward

Below is a press release from the Team website that just went up today: Over the course of this weekend and the next, at the Team's Summer Leadership Conventions, details will be rolled out announcing the launch of LIFE: Living Intentionally For Excellence, a business that will monetize materials and information designed to improve people's lives through the "8F's:" Fitness, Faith, Family, Finances, Friendship, Following, Freedom, and Fun. The official launch of business is set for November 1, 2011. With over 100 years experience in the community building profession, the seven members of the Team's Policy Council are excited to continue their partnership with MonaVie as they advance this new initiative. MonaVie will remain the exclusive provider of wellness products in the Fitness "F," and of course, continue to provide their industry-acclaimed compensation plan. The LIFE initiative simply adds to this, pursuing the other seven "F's" directly with resources designed to make the biggest impact in people's lives, while offering to compensate participants for these efforts. Below is a sample of the flyer being distributed to all interested parties at the two leadership conventions this week (click on images to expand). LIFE Promo FlyerJPEGLIFE Promo FlyerJPEG2

Posted by OrrinWoodward at 11:55 AM EDT
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Sunday, July 3, 2011
Dan and Lisa Hawkins - Diamonds and New PC

Here is a phenomenal message from TEAM Founder and CEO, Orrin Woodward on a new PC member on the TEAM. Congratulations Dan and Lisa Hawkins and George and Jill Guzzardo!

In a time of turmoil, where many faithless people lost their dreams, the TEAM stood its ground, determined to make a difference.  Over the last 6 months, when many pundits had written off our community, leaders of character began stepping up across the country. By averaging over two new RT’s per month, the numbers around the country exploded upward by several thousand people.  Many played in a stellar fashion, including the current Policy Council members of Brady’s, Marks’, Guzzardo’s, Lewis’s, Hamilton’s, and my super wife. In addition, it is with great honor and pleasure to introduce Dan and Lisa Hawkins as new PC members.  Dan, a talented mechanic with no stage to display his immense talents, and Lisa, a day-care business owner with the inner-courage to succeed, have accomplished the prestigious PC level.  Through character, dreams, hard-work, and convictions, they, along with their upline PC’s Guzzardo’s, have forged a new dynasty in Wisconsin. Dan and Lisa continue to play the jackrabbit role in the resurgent quest for significance of the TEAM’s mighty men and women.  But not only did they achieve PC, they also broke their second RT leg and third RT in their organization, performing in a true Bannister like fashion.  At the July majors, Dallin Larsen, Ernst & Young entrepreneur of the year, will be sharing his gameplan for success in MonaVie. Plus, we will be announcing the details of LIFE, celebrating all the new RT’s and Triple 100‘s, and recognizing a couple who dreamed, struggled, and achieved their destiny.  

I am heading to Europe with my son Lance for the next week, speaking at a leadership conference and touring the D-Day beaches of Normandy.  Our ancestors fought for freedom with weapons, but today’s generation must fight for freedom with ideas. If we lose the battle of ideas, the real war is already lost.  LIFE is a plan to do something, to restore the West to its former ideals.  Where are you?  Are you concerned with what is happening around you? Will you answer the call? When our civilization needed help in the past, a Washington, a Franklin, an Edward’s, and others were there to answer the call.  Will we sit by idly, waiting for others to get the job done, or will we, like Hawkins, step up and claim our destiny?  Destiny is within your reach by picking up the marker and writing a new chapter of your LIFE. The significance of your brave actions will echo throughout eternity. God Bless, Orrin Woodward

Posted by OrrinWoodward at 6:02 PM EDT
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Here is an excellent article on attitude from Orrin Woodward.

For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. - Matthew 12:34

It’s amazing how much one can learn from a person just by listening.  People who believe that they have a positive attitude, give away their negativity when they speak. I like to begin mentoring sessions with, “Tell me the good, the bad, and the ugly.  The good we will celebrate, the bad we will make adjustments, and the ugly we will pray about.”  This is sure to get people talking, helping me to identify, not just what happened, but how they are thinking about what happened.  Which, in the end, is more important than the event; since the event happens only once, but how they think about the event repeats over and over in their minds and hearts.  Painful experiences happen to both achievers and non-achievers.  The difference is in the responses, achievers learning from the bad cards, choose to draw more; while non-achievers complaining about the cards of life being stacked against them, choose to quit the game.  But what’s actually stacked against them is their own thinking. Winners received the same stimulus, but chose to respond differently than the non-winners.  

When something bad happens to a winner, he immediately focuses on minimizing its effects, learning anything he can from the situation.  No pity parties, no woe is me attitudes, just resolution and teachable moments.  The extent a person wins in life, is many times, related to how quickly he can go from problem identified to problem solved, learning through the pain of the process.  When people stay down for weeks, months, sometimes even years at a time, can they honestly expect a positive outcome?  There is only so much mental energy, when it’s spent dwelling on negative thoughts, allowing them to enter the heart, eventually pouring out of the mouth, why is anyone shocked that so little is accomplished in life?  The key is pulling the weeds (negative thoughts) upon entering the mind, not allowing them to move into the heart and out the mouth.  Weeds are much easier to pull when immediately seized when they enter the mind, but much tougher when allowed to root in the heart, eventually flowing out of the mouth.  Don’t provide fertile soil in the mind for weeds; don’t allow weeds to seed into the heart; and whatever you do, don’t allow negative seeds to spread out of your mouth, infecting other people. The former leader literally becoming a carrier of negativity.

Leaders are gardeners of their own minds, identifying and pulling weeds quickly.  True leaders are never down period, choosing to pull weeds promptly.  But if they ever were down, they certainly wouldn’t spread the disease to their communities, since they know that pulling weeds is an inside job.  If a weed is extra difficult, then leaders have the discipline to seek out their mentors for help, refusing to contaminate others with their weed seeds.  One of the first, and most important, assignments of any would-be leader is consistent and prompt pulling of his own weeds.  It’s not an option if he plans on inspiring others, since no one is inspired by a bitter attitude and sour faced person.  Pull your weeds, guard your mind, protect your heart, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.  Leadership occurs when people having confidence in the leader, if a person’s attitude is unpredictable, he disqualifies himself for leadership, until he learns to pull his own weeds. Leaders are dealers in hope, change, and growth, beginning inside of them.  Perhaps it’s time that we launched a leadership revolution, let’s start the revolution by tending to our own gardens.  God Bless, Orrin Woodward

Posted by OrrinWoodward at 10:02 AM EDT
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